国際交流?留学 International exchange and study abroad


澳门百利宫_足球彩票网-官网感染症の拡大予防に関する多言語リーフレット COVID-19 Prevention Measure Multilingual Leaflet(9月14日更新)

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has?announced that a multilingaul leaflet regarding COVID-19 prevention measure has been released in following languages.? Please read it carefully to protect yourself against infection.

 ?多言語リーフレット Multilingual Leaflet??(4.7MB)

   (Japanese, Simple Japanese, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Burmese, Thai, Indonesian, Canbodian, Tagalog)

〈関連HP〉<Related website>
Ministry of Justice “Portal site for supporting foreign residents life in Japan”


広島市立大学 国際交流推進センター? International Exchange Center, Hiroshima City University

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